Novel Coronavirus Alert Issued

Novel Coronavirus Alert Issued

With the introduction of the novel coronavirus 2019 in Canada, the Ministry of Health is undertaking the necessary planning to protect residents from transmission, support the healthcare system in the event of confirmed cases, and provide stakeholders and the public with accurate information about the risk and provincial readiness.

Partners, including the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Saskatchewan Health Authority, are guiding and supporting this work. Attached is a brief summary of the national and provincial response, questions and answers about the coronavirus, and information on where up-to-date information will be posted throughout the response.

Also please find attached a letter to providers which includes general information about 2019-nCoV (novel coronavirus) that may be of interest. Although some of the content is specific to front line physicians, nurses and individuals managing potential cases, it does include general information that can be used for education to public should any provider receive inquiries.

General Q & A
Letter to Providers

Please refer to for the latest information available from the Ministry of Health.

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